Vol. 5 No. 1
Growth and yield of lentil (Lens culinaris L.) as affected by boron and molybdenum application in lateritic soil.
Abstract: Field experiments were conducted during winter seasons of 2004-05 and 2005-06 at the RRSS, Sekahmpur, BCKV, to study the effect of B and Mo to the growth, and yield of lentil grown on inherently poor lateritic soil. The lentil (cv. B77) was raised with application of B and Mo either separately or in mixture through foliage or to soil along with NPK fertilizers. The leaf area index, above ground dry matter and crop growth rate increased with the application of B and Mo. Soil application of B coupled with foliar application of Mo enhanced the yield attributing characters and yield of the lentil crop. The study indicated that growing of lentil in lateritic soils depleted the nutrients particularly micronutrients which resulted in loss of yield and could be recovered, if the relevant micronutrients are supplemented through appropriate application methods and dosage.
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