Vol. 5 No. 1
Identification of heat tolerant lines of tomato under West Bengal condition.
Abstract: Three consecutive field evaluations to screen 38 tomato genotypes for tolerance to high temperature stress under spring-summer season (February to May) in 27.3 º to 42.3 ºC range of day temperature and 13.8º to 22.9 ºC night temperature, the average day/night temperature being 34.5º/19.2ºC revealed abnormal hastening in flowering (34%), marked reduction in number of truss/plant (35%), number of flowers/truss (25%), fruit set/truss (53%) and fruits/plant (71%) compared to that recorded in autumn-winter season under optimal temperature condition. Of the 16 genotypes that set fruits in high temperature stress three lines viz.,CLN 2413R, CLN 2116B and COML CR-7 emerged as heat tolerant genotypes considering pollen viability, pollen germinability, fruit set, fruit yield/plant.
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