Vol. 6 No. 1
Multifoliate Alfalfa line with 23-24 leaves on a leaf stalk
Author(s): D.PETKOVA
Abstract: Increasing the ratio leaves /stems is considered as one way to improve forage quality\' in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). A number of studies provided evidence that multifoliolate alfalfa genotypes had the potential to produce higher qualzty herbage than some trifoliate ones. Multifoliolate alfalfa phenotype MF 23 was developed on the baszs of self pollznatzon of lzne AD- 93 (possessing 3 to 7 leaflets per leaf). MF 23 is characterized by internodes shorter 3 cm than those of the standard trifoliolate varieties and possesses 23-24 leaflets per leaf stalk.
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