Vol. 7 No. 1
Influence of phosphate solubilizing bacteria for enhancement of plant growth and seed yield in lentil.
Abstract: The ability ofjew rhizospheric microorganisms to con\\\'ert 111so/ub/e form of phosphorous to an accessible for/I/ 1s an i111portant trait of p/a/11 growth pro111oto1y rlnzobacteria for increasing plant yield. Consequent to use of phosphate so/ubilizmg bactena as inoc11/a11ts there is increase of P uptake by p/w1t. In this context, the m//uences 011 plant grmFth promotion by three phosphate solubi/izing bacteria (PSBJ i.e. RJII\'/, R.MV4 and RPBJ \\!\'ere evaluated through seed inoculation 011 plant growth. nodu/ation and seed yield in lentil. All the em/11ated isolates had signijlcant /luence on plant growth in terms of.field emergence, root length. plant height. of branch and nodule n11mber per plant along 1rith seed yield contribllling tmits 1.e. number of pod per plant, number of seed per pod and per plant. 1000-seed weight and ultimatelv seed yield ha·1 over w1-inoculated control. Among these isolates, RPBJ exhibited greater 111/luence on most of the characters studied followed by RMV4 and RMV I. The better pe!fonnance of these three bacteria/ isolates ll\'as allributed to its greater P so/11b1/ization activity and positive correlation with plant growth and seed yield of lentil. However. RPBJ appear to be good phosphate so/ubilizing bacteria to be developed in to a P solubilizing bio-inocu/ant.
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