Vol. 7 No. 1
Changes in character association in recombinant lines of Brassica campestris.
Author(s): M. SEN AND K. S. KARMAKAR
Abstract: The investigation was carried out 1rith sLT parents (3 bi/ornlar and 3 tetralocul and 18 recombinant lines (F1~) which were grmrn i11 three replications following Randomized Block Desig11 at instructional Farm, Bidhan Cha11dra Krishi /vishvidhyalya Jaguit . West bangal during the year 2007-2008. Same parwts a11d 18 recombinant lines (F5J H\'ere gro\\1\'11 in the follmring year in the same procedure. The prime objectilve\'e of the study Has to study the relationship of yield with yield components among parents and recombinant lines in Brassica campestris l. Var. y\'ellow Sarson to carry 011tfuture research programme. Eleven characters were studies during both the years. Seed yield per plant recorded signiJlcant positive correlation only ll\'ith two characters siliqua on branches and total si/iqua per plam among the parents in the second year white no significant relationship was recorded between seed yield per plant and other yield attributing characters among the parents in the first year. Seed yield per plant showed 110 significant correlation with any of the characters among F~ recombinant lines. fn F, seed yield per plant showed signiJ/cant positive correlation 1rith four chamcters plant height. siliqua on main raceme. siliqua on branches and total si/iqua per plant. F_, recombinant lines have opened up neir opportunities by creating new association not availahli? in parents.
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