Vol. 7 No. 1
An integrated approach to manage weeds in groundnut-upland rice-potato cropping sequence.
Abstract: A field experiment was carried out to standardize the agro techniques for controlling the weeds; study the effect of different weed control measures on the yield of the crops in the sequence; analyse the magnitude of losses due to weed infestation and cost effectiveness of different, weed control measures in groundnut-upland rice-potato cropping sequence, in the Gangetic Alluvium soil (Entisol) having sandy clay loam texture with moderate soil fertility status at C Block Farm (22°5′N latitude and 89°E longitude with an latitude of 9.75 meters above the mean sea level) of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in RBD with nine treatments replicated thrice. In groundnut the pod yield vis-a-vis return per rupee invested were maximum under the treatment T3 though economically the treatment T8 and T9 were almost at par with it. In case of rice though the yield was maximum under the treatment comprising of two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS (T3). However, this cumbersome, laborious, time consuming and costly method could easily be replaced by the application of Oxadiargyl @100 g a.i. per ha, most economically. In case of potato the tuber yield and return per rupee invested were maximum under the treatment T3 followed by the treatment T8 and T9.
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