Vol. 11 No. 1
White rot of Centella asiatica and two weeds in West Bengal, India
Author(s): B. MONDAL AND 1D. C. KHATUA
Abstract: White rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is first time recorded on Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers. and Nasturtium indicum (L.) DC in a homestead garden in West Bengal. In 2013, January death and drying of this Centella asiatica plant in patches was noted in a homestead garden at Kalyani, West Bengal. In morning hour, white mycelial growth was found on the petiole of some plants in the green patch. With advancement of the disease, more and more plants were affected, which became covered with mycelial growth of the pathogen. After 4-7 days the affected plants died. Gnaphalium polycaulon and Nasturtium indicum growing with Centella asiatica were infected by the same disease. Water soaked lesion appeared on the petiole or main stem of Gnaphalium polycaulon and flower stalk of Nasturtium indicum. Prominent mycelial growth developed on such lesions. The affected plants died in due course.
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