Vol. 12 No. 3
Impact assessment of production technology of paddy in Maharashtra
Author(s): R. B. HILE, D. J. SANAP and D. B. YADAV
Abstract: The primary data were collected 288 paddy cultivators for the period of 2013-14. Based on the data of costs and returns, benefit-cost ratio (BCR), yield gap analysis, resource use efficiencies, decomposition analysis, adoption index and impact, and constraints of improved paddy technology have been estimated in the study. For Maharashtra State as a whole, per hectare Cost ‘C’ was worked out to Rs.47,652.48 and its B:C ratio was 1.27. Per hectare cost of production has increased with the increase in technology adoption however, per unit cost has decreased with increase in technology adoption. Further; there was a 19.07 per cent yield gap between actual yield and yield of demonstration plot. The composite index of technology adoption was 49.89 per cent, which indicated that the sample farmers adopted less than 50 per cent recommended paddy production technology and obtained 36.01 q ha-1 yield. The contribution of different components on impact of paddy production technology was maximum in net returns (55.61 %).The constraint about adoption and impact of paddy cultivation were in high cost of inputs, adopted traditional methods, high wage rates, lack of technical knowledge and low price to produce. The improved paddy production technology method being more skill oriented, the study has observed that yields can be increased on adoption and the constraints are addressed on war-footing basis.
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