Vol. 14 No. 1
Efficient use of jute agro textiles as soil conditioner to increase tomato productivity
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at the Central Research Farm under Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Gayespur, Nadia district of West Bengal which is situated at 220 582 N L, 880 302 E L, with an altitude of 10.9 m above the mean sea level with a slope of 0 to 1% which is topographically medium in class to investigate the effect of various strength (gram per meter square) of jute agro textiles on yield and changes of soil properties of tomato. Five treatment combinations viz. T1 –800 GSM jute agro textiles, T2 - 600 GSM jute agro textiles, T3- 400 GSM jute agro textiles, T4 – 200 GSM jute agro textiles and T5- Control (farmer’s practice) were spread before transplanting of tomato seedlings along with the levels of N-P-K at 20- 40-40kg ha-1 in randomise block design with four réplications. Initial and final soil samples were analyzed for relevant physical and chemical properties by following standard methods .The yields of tomato were39.80 t ha-1, 42.69 t ha-1, 37.08 t ha-1, 30.84 t ha- 1and 24.77 t ha-1in the plots of Jute agro textiles 800 GSM, 600 GSM, 400 GSM, 200 GSM and control (farmer’s practice) respectively. Significantly highest (P<0.05) fruit yield was recorded in plots of jute agro textiles 600 GSM. Response of fruit yield of tomato over control due to each treatment were 15.03 t ha-1 (60.68%), 17.92 t ha-1 (72.34%), 12.31 t ha-1 (49.70%) and 6.06 t ha-1 (24.47%) in respectively plots of jute agro textiles 800 GSM, 600 GSM, 400 GSM, 200 GSM. The yield of tomato significantly increased (P<0.05) with the application of each of the different types of treatments over control (farmer’s practice). The result showed the decreased bulk density and increased porosity under all treatments also improved the moisture retention capacity in soil. They also helped to improve moisture use efficiency. Better aggregation and their stabilization as well as tomato yield occurred with applied T2 - 600 GSM jute agro textile treatments.
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