Vol. 14 No. 3
Exploitation of heterosis for yield and its attributing traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Author(s): M. S. Kumar and A. K. Pal
Abstract: Thirty F1 hybrids of tomato were developed by crossing thirteen parental genotypes(10 lines and 3 testers) in line x tester design for estimation of heterosis for yield and its attributing traits. The hybrids Azad T5 x DT-2, Sel-7 x DT-2 and Punjab Upma x DT- 2 were found most promising for yield and its attributing traits. These hybrids exhibited heterosis to the extent of 45.52, 39.80 and 35.01 per cent over better parent and 62.46, 56.08 and 50.76 per cent over standard check.