Vol. 14 No. 3
Sustainable technological interventions in soil conservation measures for rural livelihood management
Author(s): B. Satpathy
Abstract: This paper summarizes the results of a study conducted to assess rural livelihood during 2013-2014 in Angul district of midcentral table land zone of Odisha. Questionnaire identified the reasons for household adoption and distribution of adoption of interventions in the areas of study with respect to technological interventions and suitable approach for transfer of technology under rainfed and irrigated situations. A sampling of 240 respondents from 4 villages comprising both situations was taken for study. The results revealed that in adoption of soil conservation technologies, significant difference (at 1% level) is observed in adoption of natural fallows (z=6.0) followed by digging of trenches (z=4.0) with effective retention of run-off. However, mulching, construction of new terraces was found non-significant. There exists no significant relationship between socio-economic condition and adoption behaviour. Service providers (65%) and para-extension workers (46.67%) stimulate technology adoption behaviour. Compatibility (MS-3.34) and marketability (MS-3.26) attributes of innovation affects technology adoption.