Vol. 16 No. 2
Assessing the role of ameliorants based on physiological traits in sesame under waterlogged condition
Abstract: A pot culture experiment was conducted to understand physiological changes of sesame plants under waterlogging and to study the role of some foliar and seed treatments on stress mitigation. Waterlogging was imposed at 20 days after sowing fora period of 72 hr. Urea, Potassium nitrate, 1- naphthaleneacetic acid, calcium nitrate, tricyclazole and salicylic acid were given as foliar treatments whereas Pseudomonas fluorescens was applied both as foliar spray and seed priming agent. Treatments were applied 2 days before waterlogging. Waterlogging affected the plant survival due to hampered root and shoot growth. The scavenging of free radicals was affected with higher lipid peroxidation and lower enzymatic activity. Ameliorants, especially KNO3, salicylic acid and Psuedomonas fluorescens, were found to alleviate the inhibitory effect of stress in terms of highersurvival per cent, root and shoot growth and photosynthetic parameters. Plants applied with these treatments were found to be producing lower melondialdehide and higher catalase enzymeactivity and chlorophyll content thanuntreatedwaterlogged plants. Field evaluationrevealed 23 per cent reduction in yield per plant with 72 hr of waterlogging. Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens, KNO3 and salicylic acid recorded 16.52, 13.73 and 7.93 per cent improvement in yield per plant compared to untreated waterlogged plants respectively.
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