Vol. 16 No. 2
Effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators on growth and yield attributing characters of green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during the kharif 2017 to study the response of foliar application of plant growth regulators in terms of morpho-physiological parameters, yield and yield attributing characters of green gram. The results indicated that foliar application of NAA @ 75 ppm or CCC @ 150 ppm at 15 and 45 days after sowing improved the morphological characters like plant height, root volume, number of branches plant-1.The foliar spray of CCC @ 150 ppm recorded maximum dry weight in all parts of the plant at all stages. Important growth parameters viz., AGR, CGR, RGR, NAR, LAD and LAI were significantly influenced by the application of PGRs in comparison with water spray control. CCC @ 150 ppm was found superior over other treatments for the AGR, CGR, NAR, and LAI during 15-45 and 30-45 DAS. Biochemical parameters like nitrate reductase activity, total protein, total soluble sugar and seed protein was significantly influenced by the PGRs treatments. The foliar spray of NAA @ 75 ppm recorded maximum total protein and seed protein in green gram cv. GM-4. The results on various yield and yield attributes indicated that all the yield contributing characters viz., number of seed per pod, dry weight of pod plant-1, filled pod plant-1, 1000 seed weight, seed yield increased significantly due to foliar spray of PGRs.
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