Vol. 20 No. 1
Canopy growth and tuber yield in Chinese potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir) Spreng.) under elevated CO2 concentrations in the warm humid tropics of Kerala
Abstract: Canopy growth and tuber yield of Chinese potato in response to CO2 fertilization were evaluated in a closed trench system at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala in completely randomized design with six substrates as sources of CO2 in three replications during 2019-20. The treatments included, s0: no substrate, s1: cow dung, s2: coir pith, s3: cow dung + coir pith (2:1), s4: s2 + Pleurotus 1g kg-1 + N + P (2% w/w) and s5: s3 + Pleurotus 1g kg-1 + N + P (2% w/w). The CO2 evolved, air and soil temperature were monitored regularly during the cropping season and the growth and physiological attributes in Chinese potato were recorded. Data collected showed that in all the substrate applied treatments, maximum release of CO2 occurred during the first two weeks of application and thereafter declined. The highest release was observed in combination of cow dung and coir pith with Pleurotus, N and P. The C: N ratio of the substrates in the trench after the experiment was narrower. Growth attributes and chlorophyll content were significantly higher in these treatments. Biomass partitioning followed the order, stem > leaf > roots irrespective of the treatments included. Tuber formation was meagre implying that shoot growth was favoured by the elevated CO2 and temperature in the trenches at the expense of tuber formation.