Vol. 20 No. 1
Response of aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) cultivars to different dates of grafting
Abstract: Aonla is one of most suitable fruit crop for Bundelkhand region as it’s require minimum water and can tolerate high pH up to 9. Owing to its diverse nutritional value, particularly its inclusion of vitamin C, aonla is a widely sought-after fruit for creation of many byproducts such as chyawanprash, trifla, murabba, candy, etc. An experiment was undertaken in open field condition at experimental field, Department of Fruit Science, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) during 2021 with the aim to study the success and survival percentage of different aonla cultivars on local rootstock at different time intervals in winter season. The research work was started with factorial randomized block design with two factors, Varieties (NA-6, NA-7 and Chakaiya) and different dates (20, 30 January and 10, 20 February) of grafting. The scion of different varieties were grafted with wedge method of grafting on Local root stock of Aonla on 20th January, 30th January, 10th February and 20th February to check the different growth parameters viz., number of leaves, height of graft, number of primary branches, number of grafts sprouted, sprouting percentage, scion girth, survival percentage and number of days taken for sprouting in aonla. Three replications of each of the twelve treatment combinations were conducted. More number of leaves, maximum number of graft per treatment, minimum days take for sprouting, maximum sprouting percentage, more number of primary branches and maximum survival percentage were obtained when the plants were grafted on local rootstock at 20th January while height of graft and scion girth were found with NA-7 variety grafted at 30th January. For the Bundelkhand region, as per result obtained for aonla grafting, variety NA-7 is more suitable for getting better sprouting and other vegetative characters of grafted plant when it is grafted around 20th January using local rootstock.
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