Vol. 3 No. 2
Evaluation of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes for its seed production potential as influenced by bio-fertilizer.
Abstract: An attempt was made during pre-kharif 2005 and 2006 at District seed Farm ‘D’ Block, Kalyani, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia,West Bengal on seed production of six sesame genotypes after seed inoculation with either Azotobacter or Azosprillum along with Phospho-bactrin and Potash Solubilising bacteria in both cases, un-inoculated control was included for comparison. Seed inoculation with bio-fertilizer was made with a view to its utilization as supplement of basal application of inorganic fertilizer. Top dressing was made as usual for all the cases. Observations was recorded on plant height, number of primary branches/ plant, number of capsules/ plant, number of seeds/ capsule, test weight and yield per plant. Average performance of un-inoculated control was apparently found to be best for almost all growth parameters studied in both the years as well as in pooled condition. Azotobacter was able to produce seeds with either significantly higher or similar 1000 seed weight. Variation in performance of individual genotypes after different bio-fertilizer application indicated existence of genotype specific response for the parameters studied.