Article Submission for Journal of Crop and Weed
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Expert Details: Authors are to provide details of experts in the relevant field along with emails, two from out side the state or province and two from outside the country where the actual work has been carried out. Provide expert's Name, Address, Designation, Email ID. Email ID of expert is compulsory.
Declaration by the corresponding author:
  1. that the article is an original work carried out by the authors
  2. that the work is done within the previous five years of the submission
  3. that the work is in no way contravenes the publication ethics of the Journal of Crop and Weed
  4. that the article or any portion of it is not submitted or under consideration of publication in any form by any other journal, book etc.
  5. that there is no conflict of interest among the authors or any other individual or organisation etc.
  6. that while preparing the manuscript copying and or plagiarizing has been avoided
  7. that sources of financial/intellectual and other helps have been duly acknowledged
  8. copyright of the article (if published) will be vested on the Crop and Weed Science Society
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