Vol. 7 No. 1
Validations of fertilizer recommendations based on soil tests for yield targets of mulberry under farmers’ field conditions in Chhotanagpur plateau of Jharkhand.
Author(s): P. C. BOSE, R. KAR, M. K. SINGH AND A. K. BAJPA
Abstract: Soil test crop respo11se correlations studies conducted 11·ith 11Julberrv on sandy loam yel/mv-reddish coarse textured soil under rainfed conditio11 at Regional Sericultural Research Station Ranchi. Jharkhand provided correlatwns of high predictability be111 een biomass yield of soil available nutrients and fertilizers applied. Based 011 yield tmget, fertilizer adjustment equations for situation and sitespecificfertilizer recommendationsj(Jr mulbeny have already bee11 evolved. 711e reproducibility a_( these has been verified by undertaking follo1r-11p trials under farmers· jield conditions. The results sholl\'ed that fertilizer application based on yield target gm·e higher yields over the farmers· practice. The target yield approach ll\'as also found superior in respect of net benefit. WC and response ratios to the fertiker application based on soil tests..
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