Vol. 7 No. 2
Influence of maize cropping and levels of ammonium sulphate on different forms of inorganic N in an alluvial
Abstract: A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of maize (A-de Cuba) cropping and N fertilizer (0, 70 or 100 mg/kg applied through ammonium sulfate as a basal dressing) on changes in the various fractions of inorganic N in alluvial soil. Soil samples were collected from soil with or without maize plants at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days after sowing (DAS). Irrespective of cropping and N fertilizer treatments, the amount of exchangeable ammonium, nitrate-N and available N decreased through time. The level of reduction in exchangeable ammonium increased with the increase in the N fertilizer rate. The amount of exchangeable ammonium was initially lower in soil with maize plants than in soil without maize plants; however, at later stages, the former had a higher amount of exchangeable ammonium than the latter. The amount of soluble nitrate-N markedly decreased up to 30 DAS, and increased thereafter. In general, soil with maize had lower amounts of soluble nitrate-N and available N.