Vol. 7 No. 2
Effect of tillage and weed control methods on yield of wheat in direct seeded rice-wheat cropping system in plateau region of central India
Author(s): D. TIW ARI AND M. L. KEW AT
Abstract: The effects of tillage and weed control treatments on the yield of wheat in a rice-wheat cropping system were studied in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, during the rabi season of 2007-08. The tillage treatments consisted of: (T1) conventional tillage (rice)-no-tillage (wheat); (T2) no-tillage (rice)-conventional tillage (wheat); (T3) conventional tillage (rice)- conventional tillage (wheat); and (T4) no-tillage (rice)- no-tillage (wheat). The weed control treatments were: (W1) weed-infested control; (W2) 0.060 kg clodinafop/ha followed by 0.50 kg 2,4-D/ha; and (W3) 0.06 kg clodinafop/ha followed by 0.50 kg 2,4-D/ha + hand weeding at 40 days after sowing. Weed control efficiency was highest for T3 (88.54%) and T2 (88.43%). The highest grain yields were recorded for T2 (3982 kg/ha) and T1 (394 kg/ha). The benefit:cost ratio was higher for no-tillage than conventional tillage. W3 was superior among the weed control treatments in terms of weed control efficiency (89.64%), number of effective tillers (409/m2), and grain yield (4769 kg/ha). W2 registered the highest returns and benefit:cost ratio..