Vol. 11 No. 2
Assessing the determinants of net profit from the enterprises in West Bengal
Abstract: In such a research niche wherein rural entrepreneurship is the need of the hour, the present study has undertaken to analyse the socio-psychological, socio-personal and communication related determinants of the net profit from the rural enterprise which directly contribute to the rural entrepreneurship development and management. The present study was conducted in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal. Purposive, multistage and random sampling procedures were followed for to select the respondents. The net profit from the rural enterprises is considered as the consequent variable for the study and the sixteen other variables were considered as antecedent variables for the study. The data were collected with the help of structured interview schedule through personal interview method. The collected data were processed into statistical analyses like coefficient of correlation, multiple regression and factor analysis. The variables annual income, land holding, material possession, house type, management orientation, risk orientation and social participation are positively and significantly associated with the net profit from the rural enterprises. The variable family size is negatively and significantly and the variable annual income is positively and significantly contributing towards characterizing the net profit from the enterprise. The sixteen predictor variables put together have explained 37.30 per cent variation embedded with the predicted variable, net profit from the rural enterprises. The five factors namely economic and social competency, family and farm interaction, educational exposure, capacity orientation and personal trait are identified which reflect the conglomeration of predictor variables in explaining the variations embedded with the net profit from the enterprises.