Vol. 11 No. 2
Growth and yield of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.) as influenced by integrated nitrogen management and spacing
Abstract: To study the effect of spacing and combination of nitrogen from organic and inorganic sources on growth and yield of fennel an experiment was conducted during consecutive two winter seasons in the Gangetic alluvial plains of West Bengal at Horticultural Research Station of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mondouri, Nadia. The experiment was designed in Randomised Block Design with sixteen treatments and three replications. The seed of fennel was sown with five different spacing i.e., 60 × 45 cm, 60 × 35 cm, 45 × 45 cm, 45 × 35 cm and 35 × 25 cm. The plants were manured with six different combination of nitrogen from organic and inorganic sources along with bio-fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium. The results showed that the maximum seed yield (13.79q ha-1) of fennel was obtained with 50% nitrogen as urea in combination with Azospirillum in addition to phosphorus and potassium, when the plants were spaced at 45×35 cm. The minimum yield (8.86q ha-1) was recorded with 25% N from urea alog with Azospirillum at a spacing of 35×25 cm.