Vol. 11 No. 2
Effect of irrigation and nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and water use of summer baby corn (Zea mays L.) in new alluvial zone of West Bengal
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted in sandy-loam soil in the Instructional Farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya to study the effect of irrigation and nutrient management on growth, yield attributes, yield, quality and WUE of baby corn (cv. Super 36) during summer of 2011 and 2012. The experiment was laid out in split-plot design having 4 irrigation treatments, viz. I1 - rainfed and I2 to I4 irrigation at 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 ratio of IW/CPE as main-plot and 3 different nutrient 1 2 4 managements, N - 75% RDF (120:60:60 kg ha-1), N - 100% RDF and N - 75% RDF along with FYM (Farmyard manure) 1 2 3 (6.0 t ha-1), as sub-plot treatments, replicated thrice. Application of irrigation and nutrient management markedly influenced growth, yield components and yield and these were (both corn as well as fodder) produced maximum with the application of irrigation at I4 treatment + balance supply of organic as well as inorganic sources of plant nutrients. Among 4 the treatment variables, least performance exhibited under rain-fed situation, which received 75% RDF alone. Irrigation and nutrient management significantly influenced protein content of baby corn and highest value was with N3 treatment. 3 Consumptive use of water increased with increasing levels of irrigation and highest was observed under irrigation at 1.0 ratio of IW/CPE with 75% RDF and FYM. However, the maximum water use efficiency was recorded under 0.5 ratio of IW/CPE in combination with integrated nutrient management. Thus, it may be concluded that maintenance of optimum moisture as well as integrated nutrient management is ideal for growing summer baby corn in this region