Vol. 11 No. 2
Economization of irrigation schedule in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation under sub-Himalayan plains of West Bengal
Author(s): B. MITRA AND S. DAS
Abstract: A field experiment was carried out in sub-humid agro-climate of terai zone of West Bengal during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 to assess the performance of wheat genotypes under restricted irrigation. The experiment was laid out in splitplot design with three levels of irrigation and eight wheat genotypes in main and sub plots, respectively. It was revealed that the plant height and biomass production of all the genotypes increased significantly with increase in number of irrigations. Among the levels of irrigation, plots receiving five irrigations recorded maximum number of earhead m-2 (251.92) and number of grains earhead-1 ( 42.67). However, the yield attributes recorded under five irrigations were on par with treatment of three irrigations. Application of irrigation water at CRI, tillering and booting stages produced 26.24 per cent higher grain yield compared with single irrigation at CRI stage. Further increase in irrigation level did not increase the yield significantly. Among the genotypes, HD 2967 registered the maximum yield (38.95 q ha-1). The consumptive use increased with increase in number of irrigations. The maximum WUE (10.6 kg ha-1 mm-1) was achieved with three irrigations. The moisture contribution of upper layer (0-15 cm) also increased with increase in number of irrigations, Though higher yield and net return were realized under five irrigations, the maximum benefit-cost ratio(1.77) was recorded with three irrigations indicating the cost incurred towards extra two irrigations did not result in considerable yield increase.