Vol. 11 No. 2
Bioefficacy of chemical herbicides in weed management of aerobic rice at Sabour region of Bihar
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 2011 and 2012 at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, to evaluate the bioefficacy of different herbicides on weed management of aerobic rice (Oryza sativa. L.). Among weed control combinations two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS, PE Pendimethalin 30EC @ 1.0 kg ha -1 fb POE Bispyribac10SC @ 35.0 g ha-1; PE Pendimethalin 30EC @ 1.0 kg ha-1 fb POE Ethoxysulfuron 15%WDG @ 15g ha-1 were found highly effective and exhibited better weed control efficiency, economic advantage and recorded higher grain yield as well as yield attributing characters in comparison to other treatments. The maximum mean grain yield 4.72 t ha-1 was recorded in two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS and was statistically at par with PE Pendimethalin 30EC @1.0 kg ha-1 fb POE Bispyribac 10 SC @ 35.0 g ha-1(4.43 t ha-1); PE Pendimethalin 30EC @1.0 Kg ha-1 fb POE Ethoxysulfuron 15%WDG @15 g ha-1(4.34 t ha-1); PE Pendimethalin 30EC @1.0 kg ha-1 fb POE 2,4-D Na salt 80%@ 0.06 kg ha -1(4.26 t ha-1) and PE Butachlor 60% EC @1.5 kg ha-1 fb POE Bispyribac 10 SC @ 35.0 g a.i. ha-1 (4.24 t ha-1). The highest net return of Rs. 38,108 ha-1 with B:C ratio 1.91 was recorded in PE Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg ha-1 + POE Bispyribac sodium 10 SC @ 35 .0 g ha -1 closely followed by two HW at 20 & 40 DAS (net return Rs. 37,864 ha-1with B:C ratio 1.57 ).
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