Vol. 13 No. 2
Halosulfuron Methyl: For effective control of Cyperus spp. in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) and its residual effect on succeeding green-gram (Vigna radiata L.)
Abstract: Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) growers in India are fronting glitches of an increase infestation of purple nutsedge (C. rotundus L.) in addition to normal weed pest problems. Cyperus rotundus is stern menace in all upland crops at inceptisols. The newly developed Halosulfuron Methyl 75% WG showed encouraging results in managing the world’s worst weed purple nut sedge. An experiment was conducted at ‘C’ Block Farm, BCKV, West Bengal, India during 2013-14 to 2014-15 to study the effect of Halosulfuron Methyl 75% WG on inhibiting important weed species of sugarcane including Cyperus spp., yield of sugarcane, effect on soil microflora and succeeding crop Vigna radiata. POE Halosulfuron methyl 75 WG was used at 30 DAP in four different doses (60.0, 67.5, 90.0 and 135 g ha-1) along with PE Atrazine 50 WP @ 2.0 kg ha-1 at 3 DAP, POE 2,4-D amine salt 58 SL @ 3.5 kg ha-1 at 30 DAP, twice hand weeding at 30 and 60 DAP and weedy check. Significantly higher inhibition on Cyperus spp., enhanced weed control efficiency and weed control index (WCE 87.8-90.0 % and WCI 84.7-89.2 %) and superior cane yield (66.8-67.9 t ha-1) were recorded at Halosulfuron methyl @ 67.5, 90.0 and 135.0 g. ha-1 excepting its lowest dose (60 g ha-1). The brix value (20.98-21.47 %), sucrose content (18.21-18.68 %) and commercial cane sugar (14.25-14.76 %) did notrnhave any perceptible variation under different weed management treatments. All the herbicidal treatments recorded detrimental effect on soil microflora (total bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi) immediately after application but at their post persistence period, populations were recovered. All organic herbicides including different doses of Halosulfuron methyl 75 WG applied on sugarcane crop did not affect the germination and yield of succeeding green gram crop (0.78-0.82 t ha-1) during both the years. Considering the weed inhibition, cane productivity, cost of treatments and effect on environment POE Halosulfuron methyl 75 WG @ 67.5 g ha-1may advocate for effective control of Cyperus spp. in sugarcane-green gram crop sequence.