Vol. 16 No. 3
Effect of different types of fertilizers on growth and yield of round gourd [Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo]
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to find out the best combination of nutrient sources for round gourd cultivation. Ten treatments along with one control comprised of 100%, 50% and 25% RDF of different fertilizers i.e. organic fertilizer viz., vermicompost, biokhad, bio-fertilizers viz., Azotobactor + PSB, inorganic fertilizers viz., urea, DAP, MOP. Treatments having 50% RDF of organic fertilizer + 50% RDF of bio-fertilizers recorded the highest vine length (2.29 m), internodal length (1.80 cm), number of lateral branches (7.00), fruit diameter (6.22 cm), average fruit weight (81.73 g), yield (45.53 q ha-1), TSS (6.80°Brix), benefit cost ratio (2:1). Treatment having 100% RDF of organic fertilizer recorded maximum leaf area (123.48 cm²) and number of fruits per vine (14.19), whereas treatment with 50% RDF of bio-fertilizer + 25% RDF of organic fertilizer + 25% RDF of inorganic fertilizers showed higher ascorbic acid content (23.17 mg 100-1 g).
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