Vol. 17 No. 1
Study on bio-efficacy of Ipfencarbazone 25% SC (Dinkar) on weed population in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Abstract: Weed causes serious damage and high yield loss in rice and other crops. Most of the improved crop management practices fail due to poor management of weed flora present in the field. Apart from yield loss, weeds increase cost of cultivation, reduce input efficiency, interfere with agricultural operations, impair crop quality along with many other disadvantages. Therefore, weed control is imperative during crop growth. Use of appropriate herbicides at right time and doses is an important measure in modern concept of weed-management. Two years field experiments were carried out at research farm of BCKV, Kalyani, West Bengal during kharif season of 2017 and 2018 to study the bio-efficacy of Ipfencarbazone 25% SC on the weeds of transplanted rice. Efficacy of different doses of Ipfencarbazone 25% SC (Dinkar) was tested against other herbicides. Herbicide Ipfencarbazone 25% SC @ 625 ml ha-1 was found best in respect to highest control over major weeds in transplanted rice along with highest net return and B:C ratio.