Physico-chemical and biological properties of soils in Northern Kole land of Thrissur district in the post-flood scenario
The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soils in Northern Kole lands of the Thrissur district were evaluated in post-flood scenario to assess the fertility and productivity of the soils. Ten soil samples collected from various locations were analyzed for texture, pH, organic carbon, available potassium, available phosphorus, available secondary nutrients, available micronutrients, and exchangeable cations. The soils under study were loamy sand in texture. The soil was strongly acidic with pH range of 5.22 - 5.59. It had a higher available sulfur (12.73-33.13 Kg ha-1), medium available potassium (124.08- 238.24 Kg ha-1), and phosphorus (10.56-13.38 Kg ha-1). The soils were adequate in available calcium (421.31 – 553.94 mg kg-1) but the available iron (1156.09 - 4013.11 mg kg-1) and exchangeable aluminum (50.82 to 125.21 mg kg-1) were in the toxic range. The presence of significant organic matter in the soil with an organic carbon content (2.11- 2.87%) enriched it with a diverse population of bacteria (2-6x106), fungus (2-4x104), and actinomycetes (5-8x104).