Vol. 19 No. 1
Comparative analysis of two predominant methods of rice sheath blight inoculation
Abstract: Sheath blight of rice is an important fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. The two most commonly used rice sheath blight inoculation methods, agar block and colonized typha bit inoculation were compared on the basis of mass multiplication and inoculation. The results revealed that the agar block method took single day to form mycelia and 8 days to form sclerotia in the petriplate whereas, typha method took 2 days and 15 days for the same . The symptom expression on popular susceptible check, BPT-5204 took 4 days in former compared to seven days in later. The total time taken for mass multiplication was less in case of agar block method whereas; the inoculation was faster in case of typha method. Thus, the agar block method is appropriate for symptom expression and omic studies whereas, the typha method is well suited for large scale germplasm screening in field conditions.
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