Vol. 19 No. 1
Effect of micro organisms on physiological traits, growth and yield of sunflower under rainfed condition
Abstract: The research trial was conducted during 2017-18 at ARS, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to know the effect of various bio-fertilizers on the growth, post-anthesis stress and yield of sunflower under dry land. The research trial was laid out in randomized block design with sixteen numbers of treatments, including single and different combination of silicate solubilizer, sulphur oxidizer, pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs and Vesicular Arbuscular Mychorrhizae and replicated thrice. The results revealed that, combined application of seed and soil application of silicate solubilizer and sulphur oxidizer + soil application of Vesicular ArbuscularMycorrhizae+pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs spray registered significantly higher plant height (172.7 cm), leaf area index (2.44), dry matter production (4120 kg ha-1),number of seeds capitulum (1150), 1000- seed weight (55.7 g), yield (1990 kg ha-1) and gross returns (59,700 ha-1). The economic study revealed that higher net return of Rs. 31779 ha-1 and B: C ratio of 2.36 were recorded by a combination of silicate solubilizer + pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs spray. The relative leaf water content and soil moisture recorded at 65 DAS shows that higher leaf relative water content (77%) and available soil moisture (33.3%) were recorded by the combined application of seed and soil application of silicate solubilizer and with or without sulphur oxidizer+ soil application of Vesicular ArbuscularMycorrhizae+pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs spray.
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