Vol. 19 No. 1
Differential response of Stevia leaf-variants to the cutting-mediated clonal propagation
Author(s): K. S. REDDY AND H. A. MONDAL
Abstract: The present study was carried out with an objective to identify most responsive Stevia rebaudiana variant during cutting mediated clonal propagation. A heterogenous population was raised from seeds in the field condition and six different morphological leaf variants of Stevia were selected from the open field condition. The six different four-nodes cuttings were treated with single treatment i.e mixing of 0.5 mg/100 ml of PSB (Phosphate solubilizing bacteria) plus 0.5 mg/100 ml of T21 (Trichoderma asperellum) in 100 ml of solution in laboratory for 1 h followed by planting them in plastic cups filled with soilrite. Out of six morphological leaf variants, the variant-3 showed the highest number of branches and survival in a controlled environment. The largest leaf length, breadth, and the maximum fresh leaf weight, dry leaf weight were recorded in variant-5 on the 42nd day. The variant-3 was the best in performance of biological mass as it produced more branches and higher survival rate over other variants viz., variant-1, variant-2, variant-4, variant-5, variant-6 and it was suitable for the purpose of further cutting mediated clonal propagation.