S. No. | Index Table | Abstract | Download PDF |
1 | Pattern of growth and technological impact on oilseeds production in Uttar Pradesh Pages: 01-06 | Click Here | |
2 | Effect of different extraction methods and concentration of extracts on yield and quality of anthocyanin from plum var. Santa rosa Pages: 07-11 | Click Here | |
3 | Effect of low temperature on seedling characters and yield of boro rice (Oryza sativa L.) Pages: 12-17 | Click Here | |
4 | Effect of growing degree day (GDD) on different growth processes of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Pages: 18-22 | Click Here | |
5 | Genetic divergence in landraces of rice (O. sativa L.) of West Bengal, India Pages: 23-28 | Click Here | |
6 | Oxidation pattern of elemental sulphur as affected by levels of sulphur, organic matter and liming in a typical lateritic soil of West Bengal Pages: 29-31 | Click Here | |
7 | A study on character association, genetic variability and yield components of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) Pages: 32-35 | Click Here | |
8 | Effect of different water and nutrient management practices on rice grown under SRI Pages: 36-39 | Click Here | |
9 | Advantages of SRI cultivation in the tail end of Cauvery delta Pages: 40-44 | Click Here | |
10 | Response of biofertilizers and phytohormone on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.) Pages: 45-49 | Click Here | |
11 | Effect of rootstocks on performance of mosambi – sweet orange under irrigated condition in laterite soil of West Bengal, India Pages: 50-52 | Click Here | |
12 | Irrigation and nutrient management for yield augmentation of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Pages: 53-57 | Click Here | |
13 | An economic assessment of food and nutritional security of West Bengal and India Pages: 58-64 | Click Here | |
14 | Performance of French bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for seed yield and related traits under mid hill conditions of North Western Himalayas Pages: 65-69 | Click Here | |
15 | Analyzing the relative importance of the integrated agricultural systems towards the agricultural development Pages: 70-73 | Click Here | |
16 | Impact of fertilizer on yield of papaya cv. Pusa Dwarf under Indo Gangetic condition Pages: 74-76 | Click Here | |
17 | Effect of different row spacing on ratoonability of high sugar genotypes of sugarcane hybrids Pages: 77-79 | Click Here | |
18 | Studies on integrated nutrient management on leaf yield and quality of silk of mulberry (Morus alba L.) grown under rainfed situation Pages: 80-82 | Click Here | |
19 | Influence of plant growth regulators on fruit production of sweet orange Pages: 83-85 | Click Here | |
20 | Response of different nitrogen levels and homo-brassinolide on yield and economics of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Pages: 86-90 | Click Here | |
21 | Comparative economics of production of Jute and Mesta in Dakshin Dinajpur district of West Bengal Pages: 91-96 | Click Here | |
22 | Chemical characteristics of soils under different land uses in a micro-watershed of Sundarban Pages: 97-101 | Click Here | |
23 | Assessment of yield in KVK programme: A multivariate approach Pages: 102-108 | Click Here | |
24 | Spices scenario in the North Eastern States of India with special reference to production and marketing Pages: 109-112 | Click Here | |
25 | Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of new molecule herbicides for weed management in soybean Pages: 113-116 | Click Here | |
26 | Effect of planting dates and varieties on blast disease and grain yield of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) in mid Garhwal hills Pages: 117-119 | Click Here | |
27 | Residues of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen in raddish and their persistence in soil Pages: 120-125 | Click Here | |
28 | Studies on some insecticides with novel mode of action for the management of tomato fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hub.) Pages: 126-129 | Click Here | |
29 | Effect of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate on germination, pollen viability and survival of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] Pages: 130-131 | Click Here | |
30 | Effect of gamma radiation on mutagen sensitivity and mutability in fieldpea (Pisum sativum L.) Pages: 132-136 | Click Here | |
31 | Effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth and flowering of Rosa cv. Madgod Pages: 137-138 | Click Here | |
32 | Productivity, quality and water expense efficiency of late kharif sown hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) under different irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels Pages: 139-142 | Click Here | |
33 | Water deficit condition and its impact on mulberry plant (Morus spp.) in relation to its growth and physiological parameters Pages: 143-145 | Click Here | |
34 | Effect of bio-pesticides on the egg parasitoid (Telenomus sp.) of yellow stem borer in transplanted rice Pages: 146-147 | Click Here | |
35 | Bio-efficacy of Pretilachlor with varying irrigation regimes in furrow transplanted and furrow irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Punjab Pages: 148-151 | Click Here | |
36 | Field screening of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivars of Manipur for their resistance reaction to Aphis craccivora (Koch.) Pages: 152-153 | Click Here |