S. No. | Index Table | Abstract | Download PDF |
1 | Radiation technology in agriculture Pages: 01-03 | Click Here | |
2 | SRI – A methodology for substantially raising rice productivity by using farmers’ improve thinking and practice with farmers’ available resources Pages: 04-09 | Click Here | |
3 | Cryopreservation technology for conservation of selected vegetative propagules Pages: 10-13 | Click Here | |
4 | Influence of nitrogen and sulphur nutrition on growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) Pages: 14-18 | Click Here | |
5 | Fish production in Manipur- an economic analysis Pages: 19-23 | Click Here | |
6 | Sustaining productivity in boro (winter) season using minimal water through dry direct seeding of rice Pages: 24-30 | Click Here | |
7 | Forms and distribution of potassium in some soils of Hooghly district of West Bengal Pages: 31-37 | Click Here | |
8 | Sustainable system intensification of sesamum (Sesamum indicum) through legume intercropping in sandy loam tract of Kerala Pages: 38-42 | Click Here | |
9 | Physico-chemical properties of sapota (Manilkara achras(Mill) Fosb.) fruits coated with corn starch Pages: 43-49 | Click Here | |
10 | Agro-techniques for increasing yield potential of potato (Solanum tuberosum) under drip irrigation Pages: 50-56 | Click Here | |
11 | Impact of GDD and HTU on dry matter accumulation in mungbean sown under different dates in the sub-humid tropical environment of Eastern India Pages: 57-62 | Click Here | |
12 | Long-term temperature analysis and its future projection during post-monsoon and winter season in the alluvial, red lateritend costal region of West Bengal Pages: 63-70 | Click Here | |
13 | Impact of climatic parameters on milk production in murrah buffaloes Pages: 71-76 | Click Here | |
14 | Standardization of recipe for preparation of guava jelly bar Pages: 77-81 | Click Here | |
15 | Genetic control and character association estimates of yield and yoeld attributing traits in some mungbean genotypes Pages: 82-88 | Click Here | |
16 | Farmers’ participatory quality seed production of field crops-A case study Pages: 89-93 | Click Here | |
17 | Modeling and forecasting of tea production in West Bengal Pages: 94-103 | Click Here | |
18 | Genetic diversity of wheat genotypes based on principal component analysis in Gangetic alluvial soil of West Bengal Pages: 104-107 | Click Here | |
19 | Character association, genetic variability and component analysis in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench)] Pages: 108-110 | Click Here | |
20 | Evaluation of pre-released bold seeded lentil varieties for growth and yield potentiality in the Gangetic plains of West Bengal Pages: 111-117 | Click Here | |
21 | Influence of pre-harvest spray of growth regulators on the quality and shelf life of baby corn during storage at room temperature Pages: 118-121 | Click Here | |
22 | Estimating the correlates of employment and income generation through bamboo enterprise in Tripura Pages: 122-127 | Click Here | |
23 | Estimation of variability for grain yield, quality and some agronomic traits in bread wheat and triticale Pages: 128-134 | Click Here | |
24 | Empowering the rural people through entrepreneurship development and management Pages: 135-140 | Click Here | |
25 | Importance of biodiversity of fruit crops and their wild relatives for food and nutritional security in Azerbaijan Pages: 141-146 | Click Here | |
26 | Time series modeling and forecasting of pulses production in India Pages: 147-154 | Click Here | |
27 | Genetic divergence, variability and character association in landraces of blackgram (Vigna Mungo [L.] Hepper) from Odisha Pages: 155-165 | Click Here | |
28 | Factors contributing towards adoption of aromatic rice production technology in Nadia district of West Bengal Pages: 166-169 | Click Here | |
29 | Performance and profitability study of different mango based intercropping systems in Easternghat high land zone of Odisha Pages: 170-178 | Click Here | |
30 | Performance of pummelo germplasm in new alluvial zone of West Bengal Pages: 179-182 | Click Here | |
31 | Impact of agro-meteorological indices on growth and productivity of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Eastern India Pages: 183-189 | Click Here | |
32 | Investigations on nitrous oxide emissions from organic rice fields as influenced by atmospheric factors Pages: 190-195 | Click Here | |
33 | A review on endangered medicinal plants of India and their conservation Pages: 205-218 | Click Here | |
34 | Determinants of small rubber growers’ adoption behaviour in Dhalai district of Tripura Pages: 219-222 | Click Here | |
35 | Influence of concentration and mode of application of different growth regulators on dendrobium hybrid Thongchai Gold Pages: 223-230 | Click Here | |
36 | Green house gas emission potentiality of wheat as influenced by microclimate and ambient sunshine under varied climatic conditions Pages: 231-239 | Click Here | |
37 | Submergence tolerance of some modern rice cultivars at seedling and vegetative stages Pages: 240-247 | Click Here | |
38 | Productivity and nutrient uptake of summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) towards different levels of irrigation and sulphur Pages: 248-251 | Click Here | |
39 | Carbon sequestration opportunities in organic agriculture Pages: 252-267 | Click Here | |
40 | Effect of bio-fertilizers on physico-chemical qualities and leaf mineral composition of guava grown in alluvial zone of West Bengal Pages: 268-271 | Click Here | |
41 | Impact of improvised production technology for rapeseed-mustard in West Bengal Pages: 272-276 | Click Here | |
42 | Improvement of lathyrus productivity through seed priming and foliar nutrition under rice-uterasystem Pages: 277-280 | Click Here | |
43 | Studies on seed germination and seedling growth of papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Coorg Honey Dew as influenced by media and chemicals Pages: 281-286 | Click Here | |
44 | Production potential realization and quality enhancement of mung bean through integrated nutrient management Pages: 287-291 | Click Here | |
45 | Potentiality of landraces of rice in crop improvement programme in New Alluvial Soil of West Bengal Pages: 292-294 | Click Here | |
46 | Nitrogen availability and uptake as influenced by time of application and N sources in semi-dry rice (Oryza sativa) Pages: 295-302 | Click Here | |
47 | Process standardization for rice bran stabilization and its\' nutritive value Pages: 303-307 | Click Here | |
48 | Studies on variability, heritability, genetic advance and path analysis in some indigenous Aman rice (Oryza sativa L.) Pages: 308-315 | Click Here | |
49 | Improving yield and quality of banana cv. Martaman (MusaAAB, Silk) through micronutrient and growth regulator application Pages: 316-319 | Click Here | |
50 | Effect of irrigation regimes and seed soaking techniques on root growth and yield of rice Pages: 320-324 | Click Here | |
51 | Study of rainfall variability for efficient crop planning - a case study Pages: 325-330 | Click Here | |
52 | Impact of integrated nutrient management on performance of rice under system of rice intensification (SRI) Pages: 331-333 | Click Here | |
53 | Anatomical and morphological characteristics of nine jute genotypes Pages: 334-339 | Click Here | |
54 | Impact of improved backyard production system on livelihood empowerment Pages: 340-344 | Click Here | |
55 | Invasive weeds and climate change: past, present and future Pages: 345-349 | Click Here | |
56 | Bioefficacy studies of chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP in transplanted rice and its effect on soil microflora in inceptisol of West Bengal Pages: 350-354 | Click Here | |
57 | Persistence behaviour of tetraconazole in watermelon Pages: 355-358 | Click Here | |
58 | Diversity of nematodes in Antarctica under changing climatic conditions Pages: 359-364 | Click Here | |
59 | Weedy rice invasion in rice fields of India and management options Pages: 365-374 | Click Here | |
60 | Diversity of migratory nematode endoparasites of banana Pages: 375-391 | Click Here | |
61 | Degradation dynamics of clomazone in paddy field Pages: 392-396 | Click Here | |
62 | Weed management in rice – soybean intercropping system under rainfed condition of Marathwada region of Maharshtra Pages: 397-406 | Click Here | |
63 | Residual fate and persistence behaviour of a mixed herbicide formulation (pyroxsulam 4.5% OD + sulfosulfuron 75% WDG) in wheat plant and field soil Pages: 407-413 | Click Here | |
64 | Persistence behaviour of a mixed formulation (florasulam 10% + halauxifen methyl 10.4% WG) in wheat Pages: 414-418 | Click Here | |
65 | Studies on weed infestation of some agricultural fields at Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh Pages: 419-429 | Click Here | |
66 | Seasonal incidence of Epilachna beetle (Henosepilachna septima Dieke) in relation to weather parameters on pointed gourd (Tricosanthes dioica Roxb.) Pages: 430-432 | Click Here | |
67 | Effect of different herbicides used in transplanted rice on weed management in rice-lathyrus cropping system Pages: 433-436 | Click Here | |
68 | Biotechnological approach: an option for integrated weed management in crop production Pages: 437-440 | Click Here | |
69 | Fate and behaviour of azoxystrobin in chilli by using liquid chromatography with mass spectroscopy Pages: 441-444 | Click Here | |
70 | Weed control methods in direct seeded rice under medium land condition Pages: 445-450 | Click Here | |
71 | On probability models for describing population dynamics of major insect pests under rice-potato-okra cropping system Pages: 451-456 | Click Here | |
72 | Studies on management of foliar diseases in onion (Allium cepa L.) Pages: 457-460 | Click Here | |
73 | Integration of chemical and cultural methods for weed management in kharif groundnut Pages: 461-465 | Click Here | |
74 | Suppression of Fusarium wilt disease in gladiolus by using rhizobacterial strains Pages: 466-471 | Click Here | |
75 | Analytical method, validation and degradation kinetics of Fluroxypyr- Meptyl in onion using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Pages: 472-479 | Click Here | |
76 | Performance of wheat genotypes under different row spacing in New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal Pages: 480-483 | Click Here | |
77 | Studies on seed viability of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) Pages: 484-487 | Click Here | |
78 | Performance of baby corn (Zea mays L.) under the influence of in situ green manuring and phosphorus in acid soil of Meghalaya Pages: 488-491 | Click Here | |
79 | Response of oat (Avena sativa l.) on quality and economics to nitrogen and phosphorus levels under North Gujarat agro-climatic conditions Pages: 492-494 | Click Here | |
80 | Performance of dill germplasm as intercrop and mono-crop in the Gangetic plains of West Bengal Pages: 495-496 | Click Here | |
81 | Nitrogen response of promising rice entries under rainfed shallow lowland of red and laterite zone of West Bengal, India Pages: 497-499 | Click Here | |
82 | Nutrient optimization on growth and productivity of rice in the red and lateritic belt of West Bengal Pages: 500-503 | Click Here | |
83 | Effects of cropping sequence and weed management on density and vertical distribution of weed seeds in alluvial soil Pages: 504-507 | Click Here |